If anyone knows me, they definitely know that I LOVE animals with kind of an obsessive passion. I cry at ANY animal movie...even if it is a comedy! I cannot watch Animal Planet because it makes me cry. I would totally be the cat lady if my husband let me. He is so good at keeping my craziness in balance. :) And God always seems to put animals in my path so I can save/rescue them. It is weird!
So, Monday I got my hair cut at my friend Karen's house and as I was driving home through her neighborhood I noticed a cute little Chihuahua (with no collar or people with him) walking across the road into a yard. So I turned my car around, parked, got out and he came right to me...of course. I took him around to the neighbors and nobody knew who this precious dog belonged to so I cried. I didn't know what to do. I called Jodie, she told me to take him to a vet close by... and I called Jason with huge tears coming down my face, he told me to leave him there...which you all know I could not do. One neighbor told me to take him to the animal shelter around the corner so I reluctantly did just that. It took me awhile to find it so that made me freak out even more. This funny puppy was just happy to be on my lap in my car. Immediately when I walked in the door I started balling my eyes out. I said "I found this dog" and I couldn't stop the tears. The 2 ladies were so nice to me. I told them that I just love animals so much and I feel sorry for him because he can't live on his own and then I cried, "what are you gonna do with him?" They said that he would stay in the shelter for 5 days and if his family didn't get him that he would go to the SPCA to be adopted. They said that little dogs usually get picked up quick...which made me relax a bit. They noticed what a sucker I was so they walked me around the place to show me all of the other poor homeless animals. Of course I wanted all of them, especially all of the cute kittens (there had to have been like 75 of them). So they took my dog and he is still there. :( It makes me so sad. I wish I could take him home with me. If he doesn't get rescued from his owners Jason might just come home one day and find this cute, big eared guy. I should've been a vet.
23 Winter Bucket List Ideas for Families
1 day ago